Strategic Campus Management | HR UNIVERSAL Personnel Consulting

Strategic and
Campus Management

Find and retain the young elite
through strategic and campus management

High Potentials

Whether they are gearing up for their exams or already looking back on a successful graduation: HR UNIVERSAL knows where the right high potentials for you are. Be it by campus marketing, academic networks, direct communication with graduates, candidate networking, or by word of mouth recommendations, HR UNIVERSAL is your express route to highly qualified junior specialists and executives.

The war for talents is omnipresent in German companies, and competition in the recruitment market is becoming increasingly intense. The demographic change on the one hand and the changing demands on qualifications and jobs on the other hand are leading to a growing imbalance. Management is faced with a far-reaching problem, and a forward-planning strategy for personnel management and recruitment is becoming indispensable. With HR UNIVERSAL, you will find and retain the young elite and ensure long-term value creation for your company.

Campus Management: Securing the Future

As a strained job market is fuelling a ‘war for talent’, campus management is becoming an increasingly important activity for recruiters. From our original recruiting project with and for RWTH Aachen University, HR UNIVERSAL’s campus activities have grown to reach leading universities across Germany and top academic institutions in Europe. This enables us to identify young and aspiring talent, advise employers on their integration, and accompany their successful development at their future employers.

At HR UNIVERSAL, we focus on innovation and sophisticated project management with a smart project structure plan. In addition to our traditional approaches, such as maintaining an excellent talent pool and candidate relationships, using broad-based campus management techniques, and conducting regular market analyses, we employ smart IT technology, such as HR SIMPLEX. We believe that the success of our work is grounded in our custom strategies: For each client project, we determine the right approach and choose the right methodology for each target group. Our outstanding process management ensures that specialist and management positions are filled quickly and in a resource-efficient manner.